Isabella Boylston - 8 Reasons why we love her

Posted by Lauren Nairne on

8 Reasons We Love Isabella Boylston 

Isabella joined ABT as a corps de ballet member in March 2007 and was promoted to Principal in 2014.  She is loved on stage and off for her versatility, powerful performances (and jumps), personality and ability to bring her audience along the story from start to finish on the edge of their seats. 

We are big fans here at Ainsliewear Australia and if the videos featuring her on Youtube were good old VHS tapes I’m pretty sure I would have worn them out. 


Here is why!


  1.   She wears Ainsliewear of course! 

Seen regularly on her social media pages in rehearsals wearing her Ainsliewear, could we ask for a better silent ambassador?

  1. She is loyal to her roots

Having established a ballet festival in her home town of Idaho she works hard to bring ballet to her home town posting regularly about where she came from, how hard she has worked to get there and what it means to be where she is. 

  1. Her Athleticism
Nike loves her but so does the ABT… what better role model I say! 
  1. The social over-share 

It’s an incredible look inside the life of one of the world’s most high profile Ballerina’s if you’re not following her… click here.  

  1. Her personality 

From the moment Isabella steps onto that stage you see joy, love, dedication, passion and pleasure in the way she moves.  It doesn’t matter whether she is Odette or Odile you can see it in every movement! 

  1. Her famous friends 

Seen often with her other Principle pal Misty Copeland as well as Jennifer Garner  can we be her friend please? 

  1. She keeps her characters real 

She has been, in the past quoted as saying one of the things she is really trying to bring to all her characters is a sense of realism and authentic humanity.  Even when the stories they tell and the characters they play are fantastical. 

  1. She is gorgeous! 

Always smiling, seemingly the happiest dancer at the ABT we couldn’t love Isabella more… can you tell?

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